
According to Ayurveda, during the rainy season, Vata gets affected and results in low digestion power, low immunity, and low body strength.

There is also a mild increase in the level of Pitta. An increase in Pitta results in acid reflux, gastric or peptic ulcers, and heartburns.

As such, gas, acidity, bloating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cramping, constipation, gastritis, and gut sensitivity issues increase during monsoon.

But when it is drizzling, we tend to crave steaming hot bhajia, vada, and samosa or something chatpata and all of these are heavy to digest, spicy, and oily.

So, what should we have?? We should have freshly cooked easy-to-digest foods. It can be a soup, tea with lemon grass leaves, hot lime water, boiled grains and veggies, steamed food ingredients, and honey. These are the perfect options for our sluggish digestive system to feel comfortable.

Our ancestors knew all these things and hence they used to say that do not consume non-veg foods and spicy foods during the chaturmasa. The non-vegetarian foods are heavy to digest and spicy foods can cause more irritation and acid reflux.

In this Chaturmasa we have many festivals which we celebrate. For eg. Nagpanchami, it is said that we should consume only steamed food on this day, you can see how it relates to the above-mentioned things. Different regions of India prepare different kinds of dishes, but Jaggery is mainly used in most of the sweets, for eg. In the South they prepare payasam, in the North they prepare daliya, In Kolkata, they prepare ‘Pithe’ and ‘mishti doi’. In Maharashtra, we prepare puran which is made out of chana dal and jaggery, it is a recipe that is full of proteins, and healthy carbs loaded with minerals (that is jaggery) and it has to be consumed with pure ghee topping which gives us good fats. Similarly, during the Ganesh festival, we prepare modak, which is made out of rice or wheat flour, fresh coconut, and jaggery. Here again, we get carbohydrates in the form of wheat or rice, minerals like zinc, selenium, and iron from jaggery, and good fats, and fiber from fresh coconut. During the Gauri pooja, it was mandatory to prepare 56 varieties of vegetables as a bhoga. These rituals teach us to consume a wide variety of foods that give us a variety of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, good fats, good carbs, and proteins. If you have observed keenly, jaggery is the fixed ingredient which is in each of the above sweet dishes.

Jaggery accelerates the digestion process by activating the digestive enzymes, this is the reason why most Indians eat a small amount of jaggery after their meals. Jaggery contains zinc and selenium which boosts immunity and protects us from the microbial attacks that easily grow in the damp weather and take benefit of the lowered immunity due to the rainy season. Being alkaline in nature, jaggery is effective against acid refluxes, heart burns, hyperacidity and migraines. A mixture of jaggery and ginger is highly effective against, cough and cold which we easily catch in rainy weather.

Luckily, At Kitchen Genie, founders have made sure there are plenty of Healthy and Tasty options made with Jaggery. Even Kid's snacks like Carrot Raisin Cupcakes are made with Jaggery. So, you can enjoy tasty meals and stay Healthy.

So, just to sum up, in this rainy season, keep yourself well hydrated, avoid raw vegetables and green leafy vegetables, spicy, non-vegetarian, and heavy to digest foods like rajma and chole. Consume boiled or steamed vegetables (Choose Kitchen Genie to try a variety of vegetables). Well-cooked grains, rice, wheat, barley, pulses like moong, various soups, buttermilk, and honey should be consumed. Use ginger and black pepper to spice up your foods lightly.


Dt. Shilpa Ashish Bhoskar

Founder Director

Activénse ®

 Your Nutrition Partner

P +91-9881157915/ +91-9923218618

After the scorching heat of summer, we all eagerly wait for the monsoon to set in and cool down the weather. The nostalgic aroma of the hot soil sprinkled with cool raindrops, the aroma of kanda bhaji (onion pakora), bhutta, steaming hot vada pav and masala chai start gathering in our brains and we eagerly wait for the rains to start pouring.


But along with these rains come polluted water, mud-laden veggies and health concerns like diarrhoea, cold, flu and food poisoning. The recent pandemic of Covid-19 can also proliferate due to the conducive weather. In such conditions, it is important to think about the foods which we consume so that we can avoid infections through food sources and build immunity to resist the infections.


When choosing vegetables, we should choose, mud-free, clean and hygienic vegetables. Most of the leafy veggies need to be chosen carefully and washed thoroughly before using. At Kitchen Genie, this exact care is being taken. All leafy veggies are washed thoroughly and then it goes through Vegetable Spinner that takes out excess water from vegetables. This increases vegetable shelf life and makes it safe for consumption.


Consuming fruit vegetables is also a good option, all types of gourds are best to be consumed in this weather, for example like snake gourd, bottle gourd, Indian squash, ridge gourd, etc. these can be used in various food items like vegetables, paratha, soup, raita, etc.

Raitas and salads should be made after steaming the vegetables instead of using raw vegetables.


Seasonal fruits like Jamun, pears, plum, cherries, peaches, papaya, apples, pomegranates etc. should be consumed, as they provide nutrients like vitamins A, C, antioxidants, and fibre. These fruits help us improve digestion, maintain gut flora and strengthen immunity.


Probiotics like curd, buttermilk, pickled vegetables and other fermented foods help in boosting the growth of good bacteria, that fight the bad bacteria or the disease-causing bacteria.


For proteins, consume easily digestible foods like nuts, dals, eggs, milk, curds etc. avoid non-veg foods and food items like chole, rajma etc. which are heavy to digest.


Spices and herbs like turmeric, ginger, garlic, lemongrass, pepper, cinnamon, cardamom have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-bacterial and immune-boosting properties. These spices should be used in the rainy season in various preparations like soups, masala tea, herbal tea, and other recipes as well.


Foods to avoid in this season

Avoid consuming outside food, the monsoon weather is conducive for faster growth of bacteria and fungus, and it increases the risk of food and water-borne infections. Freshly cooked food at home is the best!


Though we know that pakora, samosa, vada-pav etc. are very tempting in this weather we need to limit the consumption of spicy and fried foods as it may cause issues like acidity, bloating, indigestion and diarrhoea.


Seafood again carries the risk of infection as the water gets contaminated during the monsoon season. So, it’s best to avoid seafood this season.


Thankfully Kitchen Genie is bringing us the convenience of cooking. Not only chopped veggies, but they would soon also be delivering Salads and Healthy Snacks, which means we can stay safe by avoiding any junk food.

So, Enjoy your Monsoon in a Healthy way now!!


Dt. Shilpa Ashish Bhoskar.

Summer Summer Summer!!

The scorching heat is growing outside and inside our body as well, because of the heat, we lose our appetite and sweat a lot losing most of our body water and minerals. We prefer light food items and need to consume a lot of water to keep us hydrated. Nimbu Pani, Aam Panha, Kokam sharbat, Ganna juice, Watermelon juice, Coconut water and Buttermilk are the all-time favourites which provide a cooling effect to our body.


But what else can I use to keep my body cool? Summer is the season where acidity levels also boost up immediately due to the hot weather and also when we eat hot, spicy foods and foods which are heavy to digest. So, when we think, what can I eat to keep my body cool, ice cream? The answer is NO, ice and ice cream will eventually increase the body heat internally. Then ‘Can vegetables cool my body?’ The answer is YES!!

First of all, vegetables are alkaline in nature, hence they keep our acidity levels down and avoid the internal burning sensations caused due to indigestion and acidity. Secondly, most vegetables are high in water content. We must consume lots of vegetables and fruits in summer as they keep us hydrated.


Some of the vegetables that have a cooling effect on our body and help us fight the heat are tomatoes, eggplant, cucumber, bell peppers, green beans, green peas, bitter gourd, bottle gourd, ash gourd, green leafy vegetables, corn, pumpkin, carrots, celery, cabbage, cauliflower and fruits like lemons, citrus fruits, watermelons, musk melons, grapes, raw mangoes and berries.


We can prepare juices, smoothies, and custards out of them or just cool them in the refrigerator and relish them in their pure form. Few veggies would need to be cooked slightly; you can just steam them to retain their nutrition. Cool refrigerated salads are also a good option, they really taste awesome when cooled. Mint and coriander leaves can be used in various recipes like chutney, flavoured waters, spreads, toppings, buttermilk, ice tea and so on.

 Another way is to keep these fruits and vegetables and fruits immersed in water for 4 to 5 hours and then refrigerate it to cool down, this drink with the flavours of vegetables and fruits is very refreshing!!


Now you would say, on these hot summer days we don’t even feel to go out then how do we get all these Veggies? Well, the solution is Kitchen Genie!! Get the Veggies of your choice delivered to your doorstep!! That too washed, cleaned and chopped!! What are you waiting for then? Place your order today and help your body to keep cool (from inside).

- Dt. Shilpa Ashish Bhoskar

The Magical Foods !!


Do you know which food items are the most important part of our diet that provides us with the most vital nutrients??

Including these magical foods in our daily diet will increase our immunity and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases like obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, gall stones, stroke, digestive issues, hyperacidity, and some types of cancers.

Yes, the beautiful and colourful vegetables and fruits that make our meals attractive and nutritious are these magical foods!!


Low in Calorie High in Fibre

Most of the vegetables are low in calories hence they help in maintaining weight and you can eat them in large quantities without worrying much about adding the calories. Vegetables are high in fibre hence they help in maintaining the health of the digestive tract, they enhance the growth of gut bacteria, help in binding the excess bad fats you may have consumed in your meals and throw them out with the faeces. They help in maintaining the cholesterol levels, hence avoiding the further development of heart disease, stroke, gall stones and other complications which arise due to increased body fats. The fibre in the vegetables also helps regulate the sugar spikes by slowing down the process of starch digestion and thus helps the diabetics and avoids the conversion of excess energy released through sugars into fats.


Loaded with Essential Micronutrients -Vitamins and Minerals

 Vegetables and fruits provide the vital nutrients required for the health and maintenance of our bodies. Various colours of fruits and vegetables give us various vitamins and minerals. For example, yellow and orange colour fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin A. Citrus and slightly sour tasting fruits are rich in vitamin C, green leafy veggies are rich in iron etc.



Vegetables and fruits when consumed increase the alkalinity of our body which is conducive for our body and can restrict many diseases including cancer from developing and proliferating. There are substances called phytonutrients in vegetables and fruits which are anti-cancerous.


Protein Rich

Some vegetables are also rich in proteins which are low in fats, normally we consume animal and animal products for increasing the protein content of our food, but most of the time these are accompanied by high amounts of fats and hence these animal products also increase your fats, which in a long term can be detrimental for our health. So consuming vegetables high in proteins and low in fats is good for our health.


Essential for Mental Health

Including vegetables and fruits in our daily diet is also essential for our mental health.  A considerable number of studies are being conducted that show that those who consume a diet rich in vegetables and fruits have lower depression rates and improved depression and anxiety symptoms in the patients. Intake of more vegetables and fruits also appear to protect against conditions like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is commonly seen in children nowadays.

In spite of all these benefits of these magical foods, we may not find a variety of colourful vegetables and fruits of good quality at a single place and again thinking about the processing time required, we try to avoid buying different varieties and end up buying according to our convenience.


Brands like KitchenGenie help us hereby ensure a variety of vegetables and fruits which are high in quality and are processed and packaged using machines and hygienic practices.


- Dt. Shilpa Ashish Bhoskar

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